
Ramadan For Kids (Ramadan Series Part 1)

How To Make Celebrating Ramadan Relevant and Fun For Your Child.

+ Includes Free Ramadan Printables For Kids +
(See end of post for links)

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Ramadan And Your Child.

Making Ramadan exciting for kids and something to look forward to can be a real challenge, for many reasons.

As a Muslim revert, I’ve experienced celebrating Christmas with all the excitement and fanfare before I embraced Islam…

And now I’m raising 3 young children in a non-Muslim country. I can’t deny I miss the experience of celebrating a holiday as part of a collective whole. The anticipation and atmosphere is prevalent everywhere you go during the lead up to Christmas.

Movies and T.V shows with Christmas themes feature on every channel. Cheerful Christmas songs stream in shopping centres. The dazzle of decorations everywhere you look and the lure of presents delivered in secret as children lay sleeping.

It’s no wonder that kids find Christmas so appealing! Muslim children included.

We both know there’s no need for comparison between Christmas and Ramadan. But in the eyes of children (especially those who aren’t living in a Muslim country) there unfortunately automatically is.

And sadly sometimes the build up to Christmas can seem like a huge party that they’re not invited to!

Because while a child may understand the importance of Ramadan, on the outside it doesn’t have the same appeal. Especially when you’re living in a non-muslim country, life outside the family home or mosque appears to go on as normal.

Children need to not only be told about the importance of Ramadan, they need to see and feel it’s importance.

As Muslim parents and educators, we need to make an effort to bring a sense of excitement and joy for kids to the celebration of Ramadan and Eid.

Because it’s not enough just to tell children about the importance of Ramadan. They need to see and feel it’s importance as well.

When a child connects with the celebration of Ramadan and Eid on a deeper level, it strengthens their cultural identity. It increases their sense of belonging and self-esteem.

“When children have a strong cultural identity, they are well-placed to make social connections with others and develop a sense of belonging to their community, even if the community’s cultures are different to their family culture.” (

So exactly how to do you get your child to connect with Ramadan?

I’ve put together some tips to help you make Ramadan more exciting for your Child…

Why Do We Celebrate Ramadan?

Ramadan is a sacred month that encompasses more than just fasting. As the 4th pillar of Islam it’s important for children to understand the significance of this month and the value it holds.

Explain to your child that Ramadan was the month that the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). It is a time that focusses on fasting during sunrise and sunset, prayer, reading the Qur’an, refraining from bad behaviour, and doing acts if charity.

Make them aware of the added reward for good deeds performed during this month and why it’s such a unique and valuable time.

To help you I’ve created a “Ramadan Is…”info sheet for you to download and print. (Link to download at the end of this post)

Use this as a guide for discussion or handy reminder for kids. It’s available in colour or black and white.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ramadan-Info-Sheet-2019.jpg

Children’s picture books can be a great way to help introduce or re-enforce the concept of Ramadan in a visually engaging way.
Here’s our favourite selection available on Amazon.

  1. My First Ramadan
  2. Tell Me More About Ramadan
  3. R is for Ramadan
  4. Ilyas & Duck – Ramadan Joy!
  5. Ramadan Around The World
  6. Eid Breakfast At Abuela’s
  7. Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns
  8. Celebrate The World – Ramadan
  9. Lailah’s Lunchbox
  10. Crescent Moons and Pointed Minarets
  11. Night of the Moon
  12. Ramadan Moon

Start With A Plan.

To help your child appreciate and get the most out of Ramadan it’s a good idea to start with a plan. This will help them to focus on the month with intention and allow them to set some goals.

Firstly, sit with your child and discuss some goals that they can try to achieve during the month. Try to guide them towards a goal that they would like to achieve, rather than a goal you are setting for them.

By letting your child choose their own goals, they are more likely to want to achieve them. Doing this will also help them feel a greater sense of accomplishment when the goal is reached.

You can visit my blog post “Effective Goal Setting For Muslim Children” for more details on this topic.

After the goals have been set, work out what tasks are needed to achieve the goal. Keep in mind that children find challenges much more appealing than tasks they have to do.

Encourage your child to get the most out of the month by setting a challenge or two to reach a particular goal. For instance, perform at least 1 good deed from a list each day, or practise a line from a surah a day.

Younger children can set a small challenge each day, such as helping out at home or saying something nice to someone.

Older children can set challenges like learning a new dua or short surah, listening to Quran every night or fasting for short periods. It’s best for children to wait until they’re at least school aged before they start fasting. Remember to ensure fasting is appropriate for the age of the child eg. for 1hr or skipping a snack.

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When you’re child has worked out their goals, write them down so they can hang them up as a reminder.

Older children can use a journal or scrapbook to record their challenges, thoughts, activities and progress. They can fill their journals each day with writing, drawings, stickers or collage.

The journal can be added to each year or start a collection with a new journal for every Ramadan. It’s great for kids to be able to look back and reflect on these and see how far they’ve come.

I should probably also mention that YOU will also get so much more out of Ramadan if you have a plan as well!

Ideas for goals that you could include:

  • Reading Islamic books
  • Donating a toy
  • Helping someone
  • Feeding someone/sharing a snack
  • Helping with chores around the home
  • Learn about/memorise a duaa
  • Saying something nice to a brother/sister/friend
  • Memorise the Arabic alphabet
  • Learn about/memorise some or all of the Names/Attributes of Allah
  • Read/recite the Quran
  • Learn about/memorise a specific surah, ayaat or hadith.
  • Read or listen to stories about Prophet Muhammad (AWAS) or The Companions
  • Pray Taraweeh/Tahajjud/Witr etc every night

Get your child inspired with these Ramadan planners for kids.

  1. Ramadan Planner & Activity Book
  2. Kids Ramadan
  3. My Ramadan

Track Their Progress

Children love feeling a sense of achievement. Hey let’s face it, we all do!

Help your child visualise their progress with a Ramadan tracker or calendar that they can mark off each day.

Doing this will also help them to keep track of how many days left until Eid!

To get the most out of the calendar try to incorporate it with your Child’s goal chart. For instance, use different stickers to show the days when a challenge was completed or track their progress towards reaching their goal.

If your child is fasting (whether it’s full days or for just 1 snack) you can use a calendar to track how often they fast.

Remember to praise your children for their efforts each day and offer encouragement!

For example, you could leave a little message of love and motivation in your child’s lunch box.

Calendars that have pockets for treats and messages are a great way to reward children for challenges and tasks.

You can find a variety of handmade calendars or DIY options available online.

I’ve also created a Free printable Ramadan Tracker that you can download at the end of this post.

A Ramadan Calendar or Tracker is a great way for children to count down the days of Ramadan, keep track of when they’ve fasted and see how many days are left until Eid.


Ramadan advent calendars are a great idea for children:

  1. Playful Scandi Inspired Ramadan
  2. Moon Phases Ramadan Calendar
  3. Mosque Windows Calendar
  4. Envelope Calendar
  5. Hanging Treat Bags Calendar

Set The Scene. Let’s Decorate!

Whether you buy them or make them, decorations are a great way to add some Ramadan excitement and atmosphere to your home.

Before you get carried away though, set aside an area to decorate that won’t get in the way of your daily routine. Remember, it will need to stay up for the whole month!

Here’s some other things to consider when decorating for Ramadan:

Paper pom-poms or lanterns are a better alternative to balloons which will deflate after a couple of days and leave your kids feeling a little deflated too after all their hard work.

Work around a theme or colour to co-ordinate your decorations. Popular themes for Ramadan include lanterns, the moon and stars and Islamic patterns.

Fragrances are a great way to set the mood! Over time you’ll associate that fragrance with Ramadan and I’m sure it will trigger some beautiful memories. Scented candles like Musk, Oudh, Rose or Fig are a perfect for creating a “signature scent” for Ramadan that you can burn each evening.

Making decorations can be a wonderful way for children to participate in getting ready for Ramadan and add their own personal touch.


Make your own Ramadan Mubarak Banner, Decorative Print and Paper Lanterns using our free printable decorations.

Some decoration inspo:

  1. Paper Lanterns on Amazon
  2. Decorative Paper Stars
  3. Moroccan Lights
  4. Eid Scented Candle
  5. Wooden laser Cut Stars
  6. Ramadan Mubarak Wall Panel
  7. Honeycomb Lantern
  8. Mini Moon Pinatas

After working out a plan and setting the scene, it’s time to discuss how to help your child get the most out of Ramadan…

Make Mealtime Special

Suhoor, the meal before sunrise, and Iftar, the meal at sunset, are 2 important meals that are best enjoyed as a family (or community). Whether children are fasting or not, these mealtimes are a chance to get them involved in spirit of Ramadan.

Make the occasion of breaking fast an event that involves your children.

Have them help out with the preparations such as setting the table, handing out dates, monitoring and announcing the time to break fast, or getting prayer mats ready for Maghreb and watch their excitement and anticipation. This will also help to distract them if they are eagerly waiting for Iftar with the inevitable cries of “is it time yet?” on repeat!

“There are three whose supplication is not rejected: A fasting person when he/she breaks his/her fast, a just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person” Jami’-at-Tirmidhi, no. 3598

Teach your child duas for breaking fast and let them know it’s a chance to thank Allah and ask Him for whatever they desire.

You can easily find the duas online and print them out on a piece of A4 paper. Then have them decorate it and laminate or use clear adhesive contact to protect it from mess and spills.

Or even better, why use my free Printable Placemat, Dua Table Cards and Iftar Countdown Print. The kids placemat includes the duas for breaking fast and after eating and is ready to be coloured in and decorated!


Giving your children their own special placemat to use for Iftar is a great way to help teach them duas for breaking fast.

A fun idea to reward your child for fasting is to allow them to create their own Iftar box. Get them to choose a couple of snacks and treats that they love and put it in their own special box or bag, so when it’s time to break fast they can have something straight away.

You could also include a book, toy or small activity for them to play with until their meal is ready, or to use after Iftar.

Add a festive Ramadan theme to your Iftar table setting.

  1. Star Candle Holders
  2. Geometric Ramadan Mubarak Napkins
  3. Moroccan Tablecloth on Amazon

Download the Printable Placemat, Dua Table Cards and
Iftar Countdown Print here.

IMPORTANT: These free resources are for PERSONAL USE ONLY and you may use them with your students. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO EDIT, SELL, TRANSLATE OR DISTRIBUTE ANY LITTLE WINGS CREATIVE DESIGNS. All designs and work is protected by ©Copyright Law and remains the property of Little Wings Creative Co.

Host A Kids Iftar

Help your child host their very own Kids Iftar! Get your child to create the guest list and suggest items for the menu. Meals that are kid friendly and easy to prepare will mean your child can help out in the kitchen too.

They can also plan the decor, such as the colour for the table setting (paper plates, napkins and cups), and make decorations.

Prayer & Remembrance

Whether your child is able to pray with you or not, it’s important that they understand that prayer is a major component of Ramadan.

Setting up a special prayer area for your child during Ramadan can be a great way for encouraging young children to pray. It should be a space where they can either pray along side you or sit and watch.

Give them their own prayer mat if they are able to follow the actions or want to follow you as you pray. For toddlers you could include picture books and tasbih in your prayer area for them to play with while you pray.

Encourage your child to think of Allah and all the things they can thank Him for.

We love these cute ideas for a kids prayer area:

  1. Personalised Kids Prayer Mats
  2. Mosque Kids Prayer Mat
  3. Kids Soft-Touch Tasbih™
  4. Cardboard Play Masjid
  5. How To Pray Kids Book

Record Your Child’s Ramadan

Mark the final day of Ramadan by reflecting on the past month with your Child. I love @kitabkids idea of recording their details each year, so I’ve created a Ramadan Milestones printable for you to use.

If your child is using a Ramadan journal then you can add the milestone chart to it as a final summary. This will help to reinforce their experience and will be good for your child to look back on in years to come.

Download the Ramadan Milestones activity here.

IMPORTANT: These free resources are for PERSONAL USE ONLY and you may use them with your students. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO EDIT, SELL, TRANSLATE OR DISTRIBUTE ANY LITTLE WINGS CREATIVE DESIGNS. All designs and work is protected by ©Copyright Law and remains the property of Little Wings Creative Co.

By making Ramadan fun and relevant to your child you’ll hopefully be able to help them feel as though they are a part of something special.

I hope these suggestions help you to make Ramadan an exciting and rewarding occasion for your child.

If you have any other suggestions or tips I’d love to hear them! You can leave a comment at the start of this blog post here.

Let me know how you go with the printables and decorations too!

I LOVE seeing you sharing pics on social media, so be sure to tag @little.wings.creative on Instagram or @LittleWingsCreative on Facebook.

Enjoy a fun filled Ramadan with your kids!

P.S I’m going to continue to add more items to this blog post. So if you enjoyed it and want to receive any new items PLUS more FREE Islamic resources for children, printables and exclusive Little Wings V.I.P offers, just click the link below…

Links to download my free printable resources:

IMPORTANT: These free resources are for PERSONAL USE ONLY and you may use them with your students. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO EDIT, SELL, TRANSLATE OR DISTRIBUTE ANY LITTLE WINGS CREATIVE DESIGNS. All designs and work is protected by ©Copyright Law and remains the property of Little Wings Creative Co.

Download Printable Ramadan Info Sheet

Download our Ramadan Goals Chart

Download Printable Ramadan Tracker

Download Printable Ramadan Banner

Download The Ramadan Mubarak Print

Download Printable Lanterns


